I legami dell’ ISM con il Terrore
di Lee Kaplan
FrontPageMagazine.com | September 13, 2006 http://www.frontpagemag.com/Articles/ReadArticle.asp?ID=24377
Come gruppo di copertura per i terroristi palestinesi, l’International
Solidarity Movement (ISM) manda giovani provenienti da tutto il
mondo nei campi di addestramento di Gaza e della Cisgiordania per
imparare dai terroristi e aiutarli logisticamente. Stop the ISM
è riuscita ad avere fotografie di leader e organizzatori ISM
mentre impugnano fucili d’assalto AK-47. Le immagini mostrano alcune
delle donne ISM, travestite da ebree che vivono in Cisgiordania,
in compagnia di un terrorista delle Brigate dei Martiri di Al-Aqsa
Uno dei nostri volontari in Gran Bretagna di Stop the ISM ha fatto in
modo di infiltrarsi nell’ISM lo scorso giugno in Terrasanta, dove l’ISM
opera in diretto sostegno dei terroristi. Il nostro volontario (che
preferisce restare anonimo per evitare attacchi di ritorsione), ha
avuto per la polizia in Gran Bretagna, precedenti esperienze di
clandestinità. Le foto e le informazioni che ha portato
con sé, sono prove inestimabili e sono stati nelle mani
dei funzionari dei servizi di informazione, che controllano l’ISM, per
oltre un mese prima di questa pubblicazione.
Sfortunatamente, né l’U.S. Homeland Security (Ministero della
Sicurezza Interna degli Stati Uniti, N.d.T.), né le agenzie di
sicurezza israeliane hanno considerato l’ISM come un serio pericolo.
Alcune persone, appartenenti a questa organizzazione, che sono state
riprese nelle foto, hanno tentato di fuggire: tuttavia sono state
arrestate e altri arresti seguiranno a breve.
Nell’aprile del 2003, il Ministero degli Esteri Israeliano ha reso noto
che “i membri ISM prendono parte attiva ad azioni violente ed illegali
contro i soldati dell’IDF (Forze Armate Israeliane, N.d.T.). Talvolta,
la loro attività in Giudea, Samaria (Cisgiordania, Ndt) e nella
Striscia di Gaza è sotto la protezione delle organizzazioni
terroristiche palestinesi”. L’ISM tenta sempre ad apparire come un
“gruppo di pacifisti”; ad ogni modo, i fondatori dell’ISM Adam Shapiro,
sua moglie Huwaida Arraf e il leader dell’ISM del Nord California Paul
LaRudee, l’uomo che Stop the ISM è riuscito recentemente a fare
espellere da Israele come pericoloso per la sicurezza, hanno iniziato a
rivelare le loro vere intenzioni andando ultimamente in Libano ad
erigersi come “scudi umani” per Hezbollah.
Finora, all’ISM è stato permesso l’uso dei nostri college e
delle nostre università per trovare nuove reclute da mandare in
Medioriente e interferire con i soldati di Israele e la polizia di
confine, Per esempio, ogni venerdì l’ISM organizza disordini in
Cisgiordania. I membri dell’ISM si vantano apertamente di essere stati
arrestati per vandalismo e distruzione di apparecchiature e barriere di
sicurezza israeliane. Nel Marzo 2003, il fuggitivo, terrorista della
Jihad Islamica, Shadi Sukiya era stato arrestato a Jenin, in una casa
presa in affitto da ISM. Due terroristi suicidi provenienti dalla Gran
Bretagna si erano incontrati con l’ISM a Gaza, prima di saltare
in aria da Mike’s Place, un bar di Tel Aviv, uccidendo tre persone e
ferendone più di 50 nello scoppio.
Qui in USA, l’ISM sembrerebbe violare in modo evidente l’articolo 18
USC Code 2339a, una legge che proibisce di andare a portare aiuto a
gruppi terroristici all’estero. Il governo ha sbagliato anche, a far
rispettare un crimine contro le leggi sui passaporti, che sono state
violate continuamente dagli attivisti dell’ISM. Questo permette all’ISM
di operare attraverso confini internazionali.
Le leggi Rico (Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations=
Organizzazioni che Influenzano con la Corruzione e il Ricatto, N.d.T.)
sono spesso violate ripetutamente negli Stati Uniti tramite le reti
universitarie. Emiliano, un attivista ISM americano che appare in
queste foto, è stato inviato nella West Bank (Cisgiordania,
N.d.T.) con soldi ricevuti dall’ISM di New York come una “sovvenzione”.
Ciò significa che un gruppo sovversivo e cospirativo, sta
pagando, per mandare sovversivi a creare tumulti in un paese alleato in
questa Guerra contro il Terrorismo. Quando chiamai tre volte l’ufficio
FBI di San Francisco, per metterli in guardia relativamente alle
informazioni contenute in questo articolo, sono stato sconnesso per un
paio di volte e una terza volta c’era il messaggio registrato da parte
dell’agente di turno. Nessuno mi ha richiamato..
Un nostro volontario di Stop the ISM arrivato all’aeroporto Ben Gurion
di Tel Aviv due mesi fa è stato reclutato immediatamente da un
attivista ISM di nome Emiliano, che si trovava là proveniente
dagli Stati Uniti. Giovane come il nostro volontario, Emiliano lo ha
avvicinato al suo arrivo all’aeroporto chiedendogli dove era diretto.
Quando il nostro volontario, ha risposto “Gerusalemme”, Emiliano lo ha
seguito su un autobus ed ha iniziato a conversare con lui,
raccomandandogli un ostello della gioventù nella capitale
israeliana vicino alla porta di Damasco. Destinazione: Ostello della
Gioventù Faisal a Gerusalemme Est.
L’attivista ISM Joseph Smith, alias Joseph Carr, ha chiamato l’Ostello
della Gioventù Faisal “Quartier Generale dell’ISM” a
Gerusalemme. Carr è stato coinvolto nella morte di Rachel
Corrie. Smith/Carr fa il giro dei college degli Stati Uniti per
reclutare nuovi adepti. Due suoi seguaci ISM provenienti da St. Louis
nel Missouri – Magan Wiles e Jennifer Presson – sono anche sotto
indagine da parte dei servizi di sicurezza israeliani.
Wiles e Presson furono entrambi reclutati in una classe di Studi per la
Giustizia Sociale della Università di St. Louis dal professore
Mark Chmiel. Chmiel incoraggia i suoi studenti, come parte dei suoi
corsi, a fornire ciò che chiama “inserimenti”, ad aiutare gli
irredentisti palestinesi (E’ stato anche precedentemente arrestato e
Joseph Smith a.k.a. Joe
Carr Mark Chmiel
L’FBI manca consapevolmente di agire quando l’ISM viola le leggi degli
Stati Uniti sull’anti-terrorismo nella raccolta fondi a favore di
organizzazioni collegate con il terrorismo e ugualmente commette
violazioni sui passaporti nell’insegnare ai suoi membri la creazione di
false identità per eludere i controlli israeliani di confine.
Molti attivisti ISM espulsi da Israele hanno semplicemente cambiato la
loro identità per tornare indietro illegalmente nel paese e
cercare di creare disordini. Annualmente vengono tenute conferenze nei
campus americani per reclutare e addestrare nuovi membri ISM. ISM
recluta anche all’interno dei confini di Israele. Cambiare
identità e nazionalità di origine sui passaporti, sono
procedure normali per la maggior parte degli intransigenti “attivisti”
ISM. Questo è ciò che pensavano durante le sessioni di
addestramento, anche nelle università americane, nonostante la
legge sui passaporti negli S.U. consideri queste azioni un crimine,
così come 18 USC 1542. Il Diplomatic Security Service negli S.U.
è responsabile dell’applicazione di questa legge e non ha
invece fatto niente.
L’Ostello della Gioventù Faisal, intanto, è gestito dal
principale istruttore di molti “volontari” ISM, Hisham Jam Joun, un
“formatore” dei terroristi del FPLP ferito mentre combatteva gli
israeliani in Libano circa una decina di anni fa. Sebbene il Ministro
degli Interni israeliano sia responsabile per la chiusura di un luogo
di questo tipo, incluso un altro ostello della gioventù
vicinissimo e frequentato da ISM chiamato l’Ostello Hebron, nessuna
azione è stata presa nei confronti dell’Ostello Faisal.
Una volta arrivato all’Ostello Faisal, il nostro volontario è
stato accolto e portato immediatamente ai piani superiori per
incontrare qualche faccia amichevole - capi dell’ISM nella West Bank.
Tra queste persone c’erano anche Gabi e Dave, entrambi irlandesi. Gabi
è svedese con passaporto irlandese e suo marito Dave è di
nazionalità irlandese. Gli attivisti ISM usano spesso passaporti
irlandesi per entrare in Israele, talvolta sotto falso nome. Patrick O’
Connor, un irlandese leader e organizzatore dell’ISM di New York, ha
usato anche un passaporto con il nome di Patrick Connors. Brian
Malovany, un seguace di Paul LaRudee, è un cittadino
statunitense, istruttore ISM che usa un passaporto irlandese per via
delle origini irlandesi della nonna.
Anche Camille, una volontaria danese e Alan proveniente dalla Scozia
sono stati opportunamente presentati al nostro infiltrato. Tutti,
aggregati con l’ISM, hanno fatto avanti e indietro tra la West Bank e
Miliano ha chiarito che è un americano di origini messicane. Due
altri americani si sono uniti al gruppo: un afro-americano di nome
Jonathon M. K. Amayo proveniente dalla zona di Los Angeles in
California e la sua ragazza di Los Angeles. Gaby era chiaramente il
responsabile del gruppo assegnato al nostro infiltrato. Alan
proveniente dalla Scozia è entrato in Israele attraverso la
Giordania , un espediente che l’ISM usa di frequente in quanto i
controlli applicati all’aeroporto Ben Gurion di Tel Aviv tendevano a
essere severi. Solo di recente i controllori doganali in Israele hanno
iniziato a prendere nota nei loro computer se qualcuno era già
passato da qualche altro ingresso.
Alcuni membri dell’ISM mentre si rilassano in un bar di Gerusalemme.
Quello sul bordo di sinistra, ripreso con parte della faccia proviene
dall’Italia. Sulla destra proveniente dagli S.U. c’è Emiliano e
poi (in mezzo) un attivista ISM sconosciuto, dalla Svezia. Tutti si
sono vantati di aver preso parte ai disordini settimanali a Bi’lin
nella West Bank—orchestrati nelle moschee ogni venerdì dagli
attivisti anarchici dell’ISM e i loro manipolatori palestinesi.
Emiliano è arrivato nella West Bank grazie a un sussidio
dell’ISM di New York (Foto Copyrighted da Stoptheism.com)
Durante il suo secondo giorno all’ostello Faisal, il nostro infiltrato
è stato invitato ad accompagnare alcuni membri ISM alla Prigione
Jericho nella West Bank. Questa prigione è stata oggetto di una
recente incursione militare condotta dall’esercito israeliano per
arrestare gli assassini del Ministro del Turismo, Rab’aam Zevi, ucciso
dai membri del FPLP.
Da sinistra a destra, Alan, proveniente dalla Scozia (con il cappellino
da baseball); un arabo sconosciuto; Camille, ISM della Danimarca;
David, leader ISM dall’Irlanda e la capogruppo ISM Gabi, svedese ma
residente a Cork in Irlanda. Le donne sono camuffate da ebree
ortodosse, nonostante non siano nemmeno ebree. Più tardi
raggiunti da Emiliano hanno incoraggiato il nostro infiltrato ad unirsi
all’ISM all’ostello Faisal. Dietro Alan, avvolto in un tessuto bianco
c’è un arsenale nascosto contenente un micidiale fucile
d’assalto AK-47 (Foto Copyrighted da Stoptheism.com)
Israele aveva un accordo che permetteva alle Autorità
Palestinesi di imprigionare i killer. Tuttavia, con la vittoria delle
elezioni da parte di Hamas, l’amministrazione dell’A.P. ha chiarito che
non avrebbe più tenuti imprigionati i killer. Le truppe
israeliane in un’operazione di combattimento hanno preso in custodia i
killer per incarcerarli in Israele. Una nota speciale a margine
è il fatto che Neta Golan , una dei fondatori dell’ISM, è
venuta qui sulla scena di guerra ed interferire con i soldati
israeliani. Golan, un’israeliana anarchica, è stata arrestata in
questa occasione forse per la ventesima volta dalle forze di sicurezza
israeliane, ma non è mai stata processata o è
imprigionata per un lungo periodo. Risiede nella maggior parte del
tempo a Ramallah tra i terroristi dell’OLP. Questo è
perciò un ulteriore esempio dell’incompetenza del Ministero
degli Interni israeliano per la protezione dei soldati, per gli
agenti di confine ed ultimamente per la popolazione civile di Israele.
Secondo il rapporto del nostro volontario, egli è stato accolto
calorosamente all’ingresso della prigione, da una guardia che ha preso
sia lui che il palestinese dell’ISM, per una visita della stessa.
Al centro il nostro volontario di Stop l’ISM il quale ha la faccia
nascosta per ragioni di sicurezza. Alla sua sinistra c’è invece
il poliziotto dell’Autorità Palestinese o guardiano della
prigione. L’uomo a destra si è identificato come un membro della
Brigata dei Martiri di Al Aksa. Poiché un noto terrorista sta
visitando una “prigione” governativa palestinese nella West Bank, il
legame tra l’Autorità Palestinese e i terroristi, diventa
evidente (Copyrighted photo by Stoptheism.com)
Il nostro volontario è stato successivamente scortato intorno
alla prigione da un uomo che ha detto di essere un membro della Brigata
dei Martiri di Al Aksa. Durante la visita, quest’uomo ha anche mostrato
al nostro volontario, una ferita da proiettile sul polso e sulla gamba
sinistra (colpiti dallo stesso proiettile), come risultato di una
battaglia con le forze IDF.
David (a sinistra) e Camille (a destra) scherzano entrambi per gioco
con un AK-47 del poliziotto palestinese, il quale sembra divertirsi. Al
nostro volontario (seduto al centro) viene chiesto di posare con loro
(Copyrighted photo by Stoptheism.com)
Dave, l’organizzatore ISM proveniente dall’Irlanda, è stato
fotografato lo scorso 25 agosto (sopra, in centro), a un tumulto
inscenato a Bi’lin che è stato pubblicato sul sito ufficiale
dell’ISM. Jennifer Presson, una ISM proveniente da St. Louis, viaggia
sotto lo pseudonimo di “Anna”, qui è ripresa mentre ostacola un
poliziotto di confine israeliano. Emiliano ha partecipato anche ad
un’altra violenta dimostrazione dove è stato anche ferito
(Copyrighted photo by Stoptheism.com)
Secondo il nostro volontario, “conoscendo la situazione in cui mi
trovavo, volevo una foto con loro, così ho chiesto una foto con
accanto il poliziotto palestinese presente. Mi sono seduto vicino a lui
e poi, come sapevo, c’erano nella stanza da quattro a sei fucili
d’assalto AK-47 che ci sono stati passati per essere fotografati con
loro. I fucili erano sul letto sotto la coperta bianca dietro Alan”.
Il nostro volontario è stato incoraggiato ad unirsi agli altri
attivisti ISM che avevano tutti posato con i fucili mitragliatori AK-47
accanto al terrorista dei Martiri della Brigata Al Aksa.
Per evitare che l’ISM riesca ad individuare le persone con i
fucili e gli altri membri dell’ISM ritratti in queste foto, essi non
sono dell’ISM; nel proprio sito web si mette in evidenza Dave
proveniente dall’Irlanda e Julie Presson (alias Anna), i quali
dichiarano che sono stati “feriti” da proiettili di gomma sparati dai
poliziotti di frontiera israeliani durante la settimana in cui si sono
verificati i disordini al villaggio Bi’lin e non il 25 agosto scorso.
Anche Magan Wiles è stata ferita durante questi incidenti.
Inoltre la foto mostra chiaramente Dave e “Anna”, la pagina web
descrive in dettaglio tutte le loro ferite e gli arresti:
Sotto ferite e arresti:
· Dave proveniente
dall’Irlanda ha subito percosse e un proiettile di gomma lo ha ferito
alla schiena
· Anna proveniente
dagli S.U. ha subito ferite alle mani ed è stata colpita da due
proiettili di gomma, uno all’anca e l’altro alla schiena.
· Magan proveniente
dagli S.U. ha subito dure percosse con lo sfollagente, incluso un colpo
alla testa che le ha provocato una commozione cerebrale.
(Emiliano è stato elencato tra gli ISM feriti durante i
disordini di Bi’lin e in una recente dimostrazione, quantunque non nel
sito dell’ISM).
Secondo il volontario di Stop the ISM, come riferito “L’ISM sta
inviando giovani da tutte le parti del mondo nei campi di addestramento
della West Bank e di Gaza per imparare dai terroristi. A mio modo di
vedere, questo fa dell’ISM e dei suoi capi un supporto al terrorismo...
Il presidente Bush ha detto “o state con noi o con i terroristi”. Quale
prova migliore è quella che può essere vista in queste
Gabi sorride in piedi mentre Alan, l’altro volontario ISM che lavora
presso l’ostello della gioventù Faisal, ride con il suo fucile
mitragliatore. Sul bordo destro c’è il terrorista della Brigata
dei Martiri di Al Aksa che sorveglia i festeggiamenti. I veri
attivisti “pacifisti” non si fanno fotografare con fucili mitragliatori
in compagnia di terroristi, ma l’ISM lo fa. La foto è stata
scattata nella prigione di Gerico nella West Bank. (Copyrighted photo
by Stoptheism.com)
Ha continuato dicendo, “Dopo aver posato con i fucili mitragliatori e i
terroristi, abbiamo fatto un giro della prigione per vedere com’era. Ho
scorto su un muro la foto di Osama bin Laden, dove in Occidente uno si
aspetterebbe di vedere la foto di una attrice del cinema. Abbiamo poi
lasciato la prigione con un taxi per andare a Gerico dove abbiamo preso
un autobus per tornare all’ostello Faisal. Sulla via dalla prigione al
taxi, ho dovuto prendere i passaporti di ognuno per mostrarli alle
guardie di confine israeliane al checkpoint per lasciare Israele. Ho
così notato che quello di Gabi era una fotocopia.”
Gli attivisti ISM sono addestrati a fotocopiare i loro passaporti
perché se trattenuti dalla polizia possono provare nella
confusione generata durante “azioni dirette” dimostrative, a scappare.
Incresciosamente, il Ministro degli Interni israeliano è troppo
indolente per insistere che alla polizia deve essere presentato solo
l’originale. Magan Wiles è stata arrestata durante gli
incidenti di Bi’lin e rilasciata nonostante il fatto che non aveva con
sé nemmeno un passaporto fotocopiato.
Ha poi detto, “Quando sono tornato all’ostello e dopo essermi
rinfrescato e cambiato sono uscito con Alan, Milliano, l’italiano e lo
svedese per vedere la partita tra l’Inghilterra e il Portogallo come
fotografata nella scena del bar (vedi una delle foto)”.
Dopo la partita siamo ritornati all’ostello. Stavo mostrando ad alcune
persone le mie foto della giornata e ne ho mostrate alcune al ragazzo
svedese, che ha poi raccontato delle foto a una donna dai capelli rossi
che era appena arrivata. Apparentemente questa donna doveva essere un
pesce grosso nell’ambito dell’ISM , perché usciti dalla stanza,
avevo capito che stavano parlando delle foto a Hisham Jam Joun. Sono
andato allora ad estrarre la memoria dalla mia macchina fotografica
nell’eventualità che mi obbligassero a dar loro le mie foto.” E
ha proseguito, “ Si sedettero assieme a noi e ci dissero che dovevamo
cancellare le foto. Alan e Dave cancellarono le proprie davanti a loro
e io rimasi invece là con le braccia conserte.”
Il giorno dopo, il nostro infiltrato e un italiano ospite dell’ostello,
sono andati a Hebron, quando “mi sono imbattuto in un arabo-cristiano
israeliano che mi ha invitato a stare con lui e la sua famiglia nel
nord del paese per alcuni giorni”. Ha accettato l’offerta ed ha
lasciato l’ostello - e di conseguenza - l’ISM.
La pubblicazione di questo articolo dovrebbe servire come un segnale
d’allarme diretto sia verso il Ministero degli Interni israeliano che
nei confronti del Dipartimento della Sicurezza Interna qui negli Stati
Uniti. Il nostro volontario mi ha riferito che armi da fuoco erano
state portate fuori dal nascondiglio dai palestinesi presenti e che i
“pacifisti attivisti” dell’ISM erano contenti e impazienti di averle.
Il nucleo centrale degli attivisti ISM della West Bank si
sottopongono all’addestramento dell’OLP e di Hamas ? Una e-mail inviata
al nostro volontario da Dave dalla West Bank conteneva al suo interno
una sinistra minaccia “ Stanno aumentando i palestinesi stanchi della
resistenza non violenta. ”Resistenza non violenta ? Israele ha subito
oltre 25.000 attacchi terroristici contro la popolazione civile a
partire dall’anno 2000. Sta per cominciare subito la prossima intifada
? Se sì,
quale sarà in essa il ruolo dell’ISM ?
Grazie a ritardi burocratici dei servizi di intelligence di Israele,
Gabi e Camille sono riusciti a lasciare Israele prima di essere
arrestati. Entrambi hanno senza dubbio reclutato altri attivisti ISM
una volta tornati in Irlanda e in Danimarca rispettivamente. In ogni
caso, grazie ai nostri volontari e agli sforzi del team di Stop the
ISM, Dave proveniente dall’Irlanda e Alan dalla Scozia sono ora in
arresto in Israele.
Huwaida Arraf, uno dei fondatori dell’ISM è stata segnalata
mentre partecipava a due conferenze nazionali e nelle due occasioni ha
ammesso che l’ISM lavora con i gruppi terroristici come la Jihad
Islamica , il FPLP e Hamas. Ha anche scritto al Washington Post
ammettendo tutto. Paul LaRudee è stato espulso dopo che è
stato provato che cambiò il suo nome per frodare le
autorità doganali israeliane, per incontrare e lavorare con i
gruppi che, anche se lui stesso ha detto che potevano essere affiliati
con Hamas, non ha “chiesto queste cose”.
Tutti questi gruppi, dovrebbero essere indagati – forse anche dal
Congresso – e ogni responsabile di college nel paese dovrebbe leggere
questo articolo prima di permettere all’ISM di organizzare un’altra
conferenza nei campus degli S.U. Diffondi il verbo.
Lee Kaplan è un giornalista investigatore segreto e
collaboratore di Front Page Magazine. E’ anche cronista per Israel
National News e Canada Free Press inoltre analista senior e
direttore delle comunicazioni per Northeast Intelligence Network.
Dirige l’organizzazione Defending America for Knowledge and Action
(DAFKA) e Stop the ISM. E’ stato intervistato in più di un
centinaio di trasmissioni radio nazionali e internazionali ed è
stato ospitato nella trasmissione The Factor, nella TV Via Cavo Fox
Dayside con Linda Vester e Bill O’Reilly. Inoltre ogni giovedì
ospitato nella trasmissione Jim Kirkwood Show su Utah's K-Talk Radio
630am. Sta attualmente scrivendo un libro sui college Americani e la
Guerra al Terrorismo.
Traduzione di m.acca
IN INGLESE http://stoptheism.com/
ISMer Ewa Jasiewicz in house of former DFLP commander killed by IDF
claims she is just picking up "civilian" casualties. Jaseiwicz, in Abu
Rabo's house, works with the terrorists. Rabo's house no doubt held
weapons cache with children inside as human shields. Abu Rabo was the
deputy of Naif Hawatma, the head of the Democratic Front for the
Liberation of Palestine.
Ewa Jasiewicz needs to be a target of IDF forces as well as she has
shown she is in Gaza to work for Hamas and other Palestinian terror
groups like DFLP. A picture of Ewa is below. If you know of her exact
location, please email us at info@StoptheISM.com so we can target
and take her out once and for all.
As with any good subversive, Ewa changes her haircolor frequently:
Want to bring a permanent peace to the Middle East? Help the IDF find
and kill Ewa with her Hamas buddies. Ewa was previously a human shield
for Iraqi insurgents. She is no peace activist, she is a Hamas enabler.
She claims to be helping civilians, but all her "civilians" are in the
homes of Hamas and other terrorist group operatives such as Abu-Rabo of
the DFLP. She is aiding terrorists with homes that have weapons caches,
not innocent Palestinians. It is people like her who will roil this
conflict forever and once they are eliminated, only then can there
potentially be a just peace for Arabs and Israelis alike.
Number to call if you can pinpoint the locations of Hamas with their
ISM members with them. From the US call 011-972-2-5839749. From
other countries drop the 011. Help us neutralize the ISM that is now
definitely a part of Hamas since the war began.
(A more cleaned up Arrigoni, left, during a deportation hearing
in Tel Aviv in 2005). Arrigoni has his left eyebrow pierced and sports
at least one tattoo, a design on his left shoulder. The IDF should
regard him as an operative of Hamas and treat him no differently.
Jenny Linnel also received a medal from Hamas and has attempted
to encourage the opening the sea lanes for the smuggling of weapons
from Iran. She claims she's a human rights activist but is in fact
another anarchist from the UK.
Jenny has appeared on Iranian TV in the English language to promote
Hamas. See here:
Of course, we all know the Iranians only have the best of
motives. Hamas is an Iranian proxy and she is appearing on
Iranian TV. She is not a human rights activist, she is an anarchist
supporting Hamas and ultimately Iran.
Target #3 Ewa Jasiewicz
Ewa has also been awarded a medal from Hamas and works to support the
Hamas terrorist groups while claiming she is a human rights worker.
Also from the UK via Poland, she has been active in assisting Hamas
during the Israeli incursion. She is skilled at promoting propaganda
for Hamas and retelling incidents to hide her activity in support of
Hamas. Currently she fabricates tales about houses of Hamas operatives
destroyed because they were weapons caches by spinning the events as
attacks on innocent civilians.
All three of these people should be regarded as enemy combattants who
help with logisitcs, propaganda and God only knows what else. They were
all deported and came immediately back in and should be targeted by the
IDF with the rest of Hamas to remove them for good.
Target #4 Alberto Arce is from
Spain, he fancies himself a film director Arce creates propaganda
scenes for Hamas. He is accompanying Hamas operatives as a human shield
while enhancing his filmmaker prospects for the future.
Target #5 Eva Bartlett from Australia Eva Bartlett is aiding the
Hamas during the war campaign. No photo yet.
Target #6 Sharon Lock of Australia (no photo but a poor picture
on Russian TV at:
http://www.youtube.com/v/uzxRGvVH8qQ&hl=en&fs=1) . A note about
Lock's comments on the video:
She doesn't know anything about international law because the term
"collective punishment" refers to taking hostages in a war zone and
executing innocent people to force collaboration. It does not refer to
civilian casualties that occur because the goddamned Hamas shoot their
missiles from population centers and schoolyards. The fact is Sharon
doesn't care when Hamas shoots missiles at Israeli schoolkids, she
wants to distract when Israel fights back by calling collateral
casualties (small, given Israel's attempt to avoid such) "collective
punishment." She is now serving in ambulances used by Hamas to
transport terrorists and weapons.
All of these Marxist anarchists above are responsible for proliferation
of weapons smuggling tunnels in Rafah through the publicity campaign
using the death of Rachel Corrie as an excuse to put pressure on Israel
to stop destroying those tunnels. Today, the IDF has to go back in and
destroy them. Up until now, with ISM help, those tunnels have provided
weapons that killed even children in Sderot. The above people are on
record as having gone into the tunnels and knowing where they are. Time
to treat them as enemy combattants. In coming days, we'll tell you how
to STOP THEM for good. Right now, these people are riding in ambulances
used by Hamas to transport weapons and terrorists to provide human
shield work for the killers.
By the way, here's a photo of Paul LaRudee of Norcal ISM, one their
leaders meeting with his Hamas allies:
We're wondering if LaRudee (left) is asking Haniyeh if he has a
suicide bomber's bed he can sleep in as he did in the past. LaRudee is
earning big bucks now as an organizer for Hamas and also received a
medal from the terrorist group. He also has been working with Hizballah.
Listen to Stop the ISM's Lee Kaplan about the ISM on the Tovia Singer
Show, Israel National Radio by clicking this link:
The IDF Navy finally stopped the IDF Flotilla boat Dignity today. As
usual the ISM claims their boat was in international waters (like they
never lie).
The Israeli Defense Ministry needs to do three things:
1) Sink the boat.
2) Sink the boat.
3) Sink the boat.
Arrest Huwaida Arraf and Neta Golan if on board and this time
prosecute them. Golan, a former mental patient is a co-founder of the
ISM with Huwaida Arraf.
Intercepted ISM email:
From: "Ramzi Kysia" <ramzi@riseup.net>
URGENT! Israeli Navy Attacking Civilian Mercy Ship! TAKE ACTION
The Dignity, a Free Gaza boat on a mission of mercy to besieged Gaza, is
being attacked by the Israeli Navy in international waters. The Dignity
has been surrounded by at least half-a-dozen Israeli warships. They are
firing live ammunition around the Dignity, and one of the warships has
rammed the civilian craft causing an unknown amount of damage. Contrary
international maritime law, the Israelis are actively preventing the
Dignity from approaching Gaza or finding safe haven in either Egypt or
Lebanon. Instead, the Israeli navy is demanding that the Dignity return
Cyprus - despite the fact that the ship does not carry enough fuel to do
so. Fortunately, no one aboard the ship has yet been seriously injured.
There are 15 civilian passengers representing 11 different countries
below for a complete list). At approximately 5am (UST), well out in
international waters, Israeli warships began surrounding the Dignity,
threatening the ship. At 6:45am (UST) we were able to establish brief
contact with the crew and were told that the ship had been rammed by the
Israeli Navy in international waters, and that the Israelis were
preventing the ship from finding safe harbor. We heard heavy gunfire in
the background before all contact was lost with the Dignity.
It is urgent that you TAKE IMMEDIATE ACTION!
CALL the Israeli Government and demand that it immediately STOP
the Dignity and endangering the lives of its passengers! (DO CALL
CALL Mark Regev in the Prime Minister's office at:
+972 2670 5354 or +972 5062 3264
CALL Shlomo Dror in the Ministry of Defence at:
+972 33697 5339 or +972 50629 8148
The Dignity departed from Larnaca Port in Cyprus at 7pm (UST) on Monday
December, bound for war-devastated Gaza with a cargo of over 3 tons of
desperately needed medical supplies donated by the people of Cyprus. At
our request, the ship was searched by Cypriot Port authorities prior to
departure, to certify that there was nothing "threatening" aboard - only
emergency medical supplies.
Civilians aboard the Dignity being threatened by the Israeli military:
(UK) Denis Healey, Captain
Captain of the Dignity, Denis has been involved with boats for 45 years,
beginning with small fishing boats in Portsmouth. He learned to sail
ats chool and has been part of the sea ever since. He's a certified
yachtmaster and has also worked on heavy marine equipment from yachts to
large dredgers. This is his fourth trip to Gaza. (He needs to be
prosecuted by Israel and the US for violating US Neutrality Act).
(Greece) Nikolas Bolos, First Mate
Nikolas is a chemical engineer and human rights activist (bullshit
artist). He has served as
a crewmember on several Free Gaza voyages, including the first one in
August. This guy needs to be prosecuted by Israel for repeat offenses.
(Jordan) Othman Abu Falah
Othman is a senior producer with Al-Jazeera Television. He will remain
Gaza to report on the ongoing military onslaught. (Objective? Al
Jazeera calls Hamas terrorist martyrs)
(Australia) Renee Bowyer
Renee is a schoolteacher and human rights activist (bullshit artist).
She will remain in
Gaza to do human rights monitoring and reporting.
(Ireland) Caoimhe Butterly--ISM MANIAC FROM WAY BACK
Caoimhe is a reknowned human rights activist and Gaza Coordinator for
Free Gaza Movement. She will be remaining in Gaza to do human rights
monitoring, assist with relief efforts, and work on project development
with Free Gaza.
(Cyprus) Ekaterini Christodulou
Ekaterini is a well-known and respected (by whom?) freelance journalist
in Cyprus.
She is traveling to Gaza to report on the conflict.
(Sudan) Sami El-Haj - AN Al QAEDA MAN!
Sami is a former detainee at Guantanamo Bay, and head of the human
section at Al-Jazeera Television. He will remain in Gaza to report on
ongoing military onslaught.
Dr. Halpin is an experienced orthopaedic surgeon, medical professor, and
ship's captain. He has organized humanitarian relief efforts in Gaza on
several occasions with the Dove and Dolphin. He is traveling to Gaza to
volunteer in hospitals and clinics.
(Germany) Dr. Mohamed Issa
Dr. Issa is a pediatric surgeon from Germany. He is traveling to Gaza to
volunteer in hospitals and clinics.
(UK/Tunisia) Fathi Jaouadi
Fathi is a television producer and human rights activist. He will remain
in Gaza to do human rights monitoring and reporting.
Cynthia is a former U.S. Congresswoman from Georgia, and the 2008 Green
Party presidential candidate. She is traveling to Gaza to assess the
ongoing conflict.
(Cyprus) Martha Paisi
Martha is a senior research fellow and experienced human rights
activist (bulshit artist). She is traveling to Gaza to do human rights
work and to assist with
humanitarian relief efforts.
(UK) Karl Penhaul
Karl Penhaul is a video correspondent for CNN, based out of Bogot?,
Colombia. Appointed to this position in February 2004, he covers
news around the world utilizing CNN's new laptop-based 'Digital
Newsgathering' system. He is traveling to Gaza to report on the ongoing
(Iraq) Thaer Shaker
Thaer is a cameraman with Al-Jazeera television. He will remain in Gaza
report on the ongoing military onslaught.
(Cyprus) Dr. Elena Theoharous, MP
Dr. Theoharous is a surgeon and a Member of the Cypriot Parliament. She
traveling to Gaza to assess the ongoing conflict, assist with
relief efforts, and volunteer in hospitals.
To: <gazafriends@lists.riseup.net>
Sent: Tuesday, December 30, 2008 7:26 AM
Subject: [GazaFriends] URGENT! Israeli Navy Attacking Civilian Mercy
An old Arab ditty but with new lyrics:
In Blood and Spirit We will Redeem Thee Oh Sderot!!!
In Blood and Spirit We will Redeem Thee Oh Sderot!!!
In Blood and Spirit We will Redeem Thee Oh Sderot!!!
Bomb the shit out the the Gaza savages!
Let's have some smell of napalm in the morning over Rafiach.
Avenge Sderot!
In Blood and Spirit We will Redeem Thee Oh Sderot!!!
In Blood and Spirit We will Redeem Thee Oh Sderot!!!
In Blood and Spirit We will Redeem Thee Oh Sderot!!!
Die die die Hamas dogs!
In Blood and Spirit We will Redeem Thee Oh Sderot!!!
In Blood and Spirit We will Redeem Thee Oh Sderot!!!
In Blood and Spirit We will Redeem Thee Oh Sderot!!!
Zion gonna win!
In Blood and Spirit We will Redeem Thee Oh Sderot!!!
In Blood and Spirit We will Redeem Thee Oh Sderot!!!
In Blood and Spirit We will Redeem Thee Oh Sderot!!!
Killing the Jihad bastards is the answer!
In Blood and Spirit We will Redeem Thee Oh Sderot!!!
In Blood and Spirit We will Redeem Thee Oh Sderot!!!
In Blood and Spirit We will Redeem Thee Oh Sderot!!!
End the illegal Hamas occupation of Jewish land in Gaza!
In Blood and Spirit We will Redeem Thee Oh Sderot!!!
In Blood and Spirit We will Redeem Thee Oh Sderot!!!
In Blood and Spirit We will Redeem Thee Oh Sderot!!!
Stop the ISM's Lee Kaplan can salso be heard on the Tovia Singer Show
(Israel National News Radio) on Thursday, December18th at 1 PM Pacific
Time US to discuss Stop the ISM's involvement in the arrest and
deportation of ISM activist Darlene Wallach by the Israeli Navy. If
there is time, he will also discuss the newest ISM vile tactics of If
American's Knew's head, Alsion Weir who is producing a film with the
ISM's newest lie claiming Israel routinely sexcually abuses Arab women
at Ben Gurion airport. For more on Alison Weir, visit the Rogues
Section of Stop the ISM. The Tovia Singer Show can be heard at
www.israelnationalnews.com and clicking on Radio Shows. The show also
will be archived.
IDF Exercises Sovereignty off Gaza, Arrests Pro-Arab Activists
by Tzvi Ben Gedalyahu
(IsraelNN.com) The IDF arrested 15 Arab fishermen and three
International Solidarity Movement (ISM) activists Monday after their
fishing boats veered into Israeli territorial waters. It was the first
time the foreigners have been arrested since the pro-Arab "Free Gaza"
movement began testing Israeli sovereignty in August.
They have broken Israeli sovereignty four times by landing at Gaza
without authorization and without interference from Israeli authorities
before Tuesday's arrests.
The Foreign Ministry originally said it did not want to create a media
circus over arrests on the high seas. Further sailings were allowed by
the office of the Prime Minister and the IDF, possibly out of fear of
injuries to the activists, who have included European legislators.
The detained activists were identified as Andrew Muncie from Scotland,
Darlene Wallach from the United States and Victor Arrigoni from Italy,
all of whom were turned over to immigration authorities at Ben Gurion
Airport for deportation. One of them is staging a hunger strike, and
pro-Arab leaders from the Free Gaza movement charged Israel with
"kidnapping them."
An IDF spokeswoman explained that the fishing boats wandered into
prohibited territory and ignored orders to halt. "They interfered with
security patrols," the spokeswoman explained. "The ISM activists are
provocateurs, and the IDF allows fishing in permitted waters."
The activists accompany the fishermen to encourage them to sail beyond
the allowed limit and claim that Israel's exercised sovereignty over
the Gaza Coast violates the Oslo Agreements. The government has stated
in the past that it will control the air and sea so long as the
Palestinian Authority, which has been replaced by Hamas in Gaza, does
not control terror.
The activists previously have charged the Navy with chemical warfare by
spraying water cannons that drenched them with "a chemical substance."
IDF spokesmen laughed off the allegations as ridiculous and said that
"routine and acceptable" measures are taken when boats stray beyond
legal limits.
The IDF also denied allegations that machine gunfire has been used to
ward off the boats. Radio Netherlands reported that the fishing boats
bear bullet holes, and it quoted an unnamed Arab's claim
that fishermen come under fire on a daily basis.
Muncie, one of the activists who was arrested, accused the Navy of
throwing explosives into the sea in order to destabilize the boats.
Radio Netherlands also reported claims that two fishermen have been
killed and at least four others wounded. The IDF denied the claims.
ISM activist prosecuted for aiding Hamas and passport fraud:
Pennsylvania Leftist useful idiot guilty of aiding Hamas
A member of the International Solidarity Movement. Left/Jihad Nexus
Update: "York County native gets 31/2 years for helping Hamas," by
Nichole Dobo for The Evening Sun, August 23:
A 33-year-old York County native was sentenced Thursday morning to
prison for aiding a group the United States designated as a terrorist
Richard David Hupper, originally from York Township, was sentenced to 3
1/2 years in federal prison for aiding Hamas, a Palestinian military
and political organization.
Hupper faced up to 15 years in prison. He admitted to giving about
$20,000 to Hamas while working in Israel with the International
Solidarity Movement, a non-governmental organization....
Hupper, a Dallastown Area High School graduate, became involved with
the conflict in the Middle East after watching international newscasts.
The machinist watched the TV shows while recovering from a work-related
injury at his Alabama home, his lawyer has said.
Hupper traveled to the Gaza Strip, where he worked with the
International Solidarity Movement to aid Palestinians, according to
court documents. He was eventually deported by Israeli authorities,
according to court documents.
To return to Israel, Hupper applied for a passport in Florida using
false information, according to court documents. He pleaded guilty to
passport fraud charges more than two years ago. He is finishing his
24-month federal prison sentence for those charges.
Where does an unemployed machinist get $20K for Hamas? Through ISM
fundraising as with the Gaza Flotilla. See below and tune in to learn
how to go after ISM -Hamas fundraising:
Stop the ISM's Lee Kaplan will be on the Tovia Singer Show on Israel
National News Radio on Thrusday night , August 28th at 9 pm (Friday at
midnight e.s.t. or 7 am Friday in Israel) to discuss the Gaza Flotilla
and what you can do to have the ISM activists arrested involved in the
event. Tune in to see what you can do at www.israelnationalnews.com
click on radio and listen live or listen to the archived show.
Slow Boat to Gaza
By David Bedein
Nicosia, Cyprus - On Monday, a movement known as FreeGaza.org held a
press conference in Nicosia, Cyprus, in which a group of 40 people from
around the world announced that they would board two small boats to
travel by sea to Gaza to "break the siege" that Israel has placed upon
There was no acknowledgement that in June of 2007, the Hamas regime
took over Gaza and formalized a total state of war against Israel with
the aim of liberating all of Palestine and using Gaza as a stepping
stone to recoup any and all land ruled by the Jewish state.
With increasing boatloads of Iranian military hardware landing on the
Gaza coastline, the Israeli navy was forced to impose an embargo of
goods coming into Gaza. Israel offered to oversee goods and services
for humanitarian needs in Gaza, by allowing specified supervised land
crossings for supply to Gaza.
The press conference, held at “Journalist House” in Nicosia, was
launched with an opening statement by an Israeli American Jerusalem
resident, Jeff Halper, who alleged that Israel was behaving in defiance
of international law by closing shipping lanes to Gaza. He also
claimed that the people of Gaza faced a severe shortage of milk and
medical supplies.
Mr. Monir Deeb, a native Gazan who has lived in Los Angeles since 1979,
explained to the media that he was boarding these boats to reunite with
his siblings in Gaza. Mr. Deeb described Gaza as a "peaceful community
under Israeli military siege" and said that this small convoy was meant
to deliver a message to Israel to stop the siege of Gaza.
This reporter asked Mr. Deeb about the armed Gaza militias who have
fired thousands of missiles over the past eight years against Israeli
civilian communities that surround Gaza. I also asked for his
comment on how the Hamas government is using the current cease fire
period to regroup and train for the next attack on Israel. Mr.
Deeb said that he "could not relate to this question," since it was
"political" and his concern was "only humanitarian" in nature.
The convener of the FreeGaza.org press conference, Ms. Greta Berlin, an
American woman formerly married to a Palestinian whose family was
dislocated from Safed in Northern Israel during the 1948 war, gave
examples of the humanitarian mission on which they were
embarking. “One of her missions,” she said, “was to supply 9,000
hearing aids for Palestinian children who suffer hearing loss at a
young age, due to Israeli missile attacks on Gaza.”
I asked Ms. Berlin if it were not the case that the missile attacks
that she had claimed had been fired at Palestinians in Gaza by Israelis
were actually fired by Palestinians towards the Western Negev, as
they screech over Palestinian villages en route to hit Israeli civilian
Ms. Berlin would not comment, saying repeatedly that the purpose of the
voyage to Gaza was not political, even though the press statement
issued by FreeGaza.org touched every raw political nerve possible.
FreeGaza.org also clearly stated that it strongly condemns Israel for
not allowing "refugees and their descendants the right to return home"
to the villages that have since been resettled by Israel after the 1948
war. Meanwhile, the "FreeGaza.org" press statement also decried
"Israel's illegal occupation of Palestine," laying aside any
pretensions that the group only favored Israel's full withdrawal from
Ms. Berlin reported that the operation to bring two boats into Gaza was
independent of any foreign entities. She mentioned that FreeGaza.org
had already raised $210,000 of the total budget needed, more than
$300,000 for the boats. However, on July 31st, the Palestine
Information Center issued a press release in which it stated that a
member of the Lebanese Parliament had confirmed to Hamas leader Abu
Marzook in Cairo that the boats had been provided by Palestinian
popular committees by the Hamas. That would mean, in effect, that
FreeGaza.org received two sources of support for its work - from
American Jewish groups and from the Palestinian popular committees
which are run by Hamas.
Nothing like the profit motive to move things along the high seas.
The boats are timed to arrive in Gaza this coming Saturday night, which
this year marks Tisha 'av, the ninth of Av on the Jewish calendar, a
fast day which marks disasters which have befallen the Jewish people.
By coincidence or not, pro-Palestinian movements around the world have
designated this Friday and Saturday as a time of solidarity with their
Indeed, an international Palestinian solidarity conference will convene
this coming weekend at Wyndam Ohare Hotel in Chicago, Illinois, where a
coalition of fifty Arab groups will gather under the umbrella of the
first “Palestinian Popular Conference in North America.” The theme of
the conference, promoted in all of their publicity, leaves no room for
the imagination: “Ending Zionist occupation and colonization of
‘Popular Palestinian Conference’ Peddles Propaganda
By Cinnamon Stillwell
This weekend, the “Popular Palestinian Conference 2008” will be held in
Chicago, and if past is prologue, a slew of anti-Israel propaganda will
be part of the repertoire. The organizers make no effort to conceal
their nefarious intentions, titling one of the workshops [emphasis
added], “Inserting Palestine into High School Curricula in the US &
Empowering Students to Challenge Dominant Narratives” and subtitling
the conference, “Palestinians in the US: Reclaiming Our Voice,
Asserting Our Narrative.” Unfortunately, this “narrative” is a false
one in which Israel is the oppressor, the Palestinians its perpetual
victims, and the United States an accomplice in crime.
Various Middle East studies academics will be on hand to help propagate
this fictitious narrative. UC Berkeley lecturer Hatem Bazian, a skilled
propagandist for Palestinian victimhood in the classroom and a radical
activist outside it (he called for an “Intifada in this country!” at a
2004 anti-war rally in San Francisco), will be speaking on a panel
titled, “Palestinian Political Prisoners in the US: The Attack on
Palestinian Activists and Scholars.” Bazian has long perpetuated the
idea that off-campus criticism of Middle East studies is a form of
persecution. To state the obvious: there are no “Palestinian political
prisoners” in the U.S., only criminals convicted through the justice
system of aiding and abetting terrorist organizations.
One of them, former University of South Florida computer science
professor Sami Al-Arian, who pled guilty in 2006 to conspiring to
provide goods and services to the Palestinian Islamic Jihad and who
awaits an August 13 trial for criminal contempt, will be represented on
the panel by his daughter, Laila Al-Arian. Al-Arian has enjoyed
unstinting support from the Middle East studies establishment,
particularly founding director of Georgetown University’s Prince
Alwaleed bin Talal Center for Muslim-Christian Understanding, John
Esposito. Unmoved by the murder of innocent civilians by Palestinian
Islamic Jihad, Esposito penned a letter last month to the presiding
judge urging that Al-Arian be granted bond and describing him as “a man
of conscience with a strong commitment to peace and social justice.”
Al-Arian’s radicalism is nothing new: at a 1991 commemoration of the
Palestinian Intifada featuring Islamic Jihad spiritual leader
Abdel-Aziz Odeh, he called Jews “apes and pigs.”
Wayne State University anthropologist Thomas Abowd will moderate the
“political prisoners” panel. This is fitting, for Abowd fashions
himself the victim of what his supporters call “right-wing Zionist
elements on campus.” But Abowd is hardly impartial. He is affiliated
with the radical group Anti-Racist Action (ARA-WSU), whose members have
accused Israel of “ethnic cleansing” and pro-Israel groups at Wayne
State of practicing “white supremacist politics,” along with defending
the use of a swastika to equate Israel with Nazi Germany at one of
their rallies.
Abowd spoke at “Palestine Awareness Week,” an anti-Israel event at the
University of Michigan in February 2008. Several students who attended
Abowd’s lecture described in a Michigan Daily op-ed his hostile and
dismissive attitude towards a student who dared ask a challenging
question. Abowd, as they put it, “smirked and glared” and “used scare
tactics to intimidate and to alienate the student and to negate the
importance of his question.”
The conference ends with the panel, “One-State Solution to the
Palestinian-Israeli Conflict.” The so-called one state solution is
really just a fig-leaf for the destruction of Israel. There’s no
evidence that the Palestinian political leadership has any inclination
towards the sort of multi-religious, multi-ethnic democratic nation
envisioned by “one-state solution” proponents. The pathological hatred
towards Jews, persecution of Christians, advocacy of Sharia law,
indoctrination of children, and violence among rival Palestinian clans
and terrorist groups all demonstrate the danger to Israel that lies
down this path.
Yet some scholars advocate the “one-state solution” in spite of these
glaring obstacles. Jennifer Loewenstein, associate director of the
Middle East studies program at the University of Wisconsin-Madison,
will be one of the conference panelists doing just that. In a March
2008 article for the rabidly anti-Israel, far-left publication
Counterpunch with the ridiculous title, “Gazan Holocaust,” Loewenstein
asserts that “Israel and its U.S. Master have long since resided in the
lowest circle of Hell for betraying the name of humanity.” No word from
Loewenstein on the betrayals of humanity by the Palestinians, both
towards Israelis and each other.
Another panelist, Tomis Kapitan, chair and professor in the Department
of Philosophy at Northern Illinois University, displays a similar blind
spot. In a 2004 paper on the Arab-Israeli conflict, Kapitan waxes
philosophically about the “reciprocal” nature of Arab terrorism, calls
the suggestion that “cultural or religious beliefs” motivate suicide
bombings “incredible,” and concludes that “the maximalists in charge of
Israeli policy and their supporters in the United States and elsewhere,
are chiefly to blame for the ongoing cycle of violence.”
Panelist Seif Da’Na, professor of sociology and international studies
at the University of Wisconsin-Parkside, takes a Marxist, populist
approach. In a 2001 Media Monitors Network article, Da’Na calls for a
“Palestinian liberation strategy” and urges activists to view the
“Palestinian struggle against Israel…in the larger context of the
struggle to bring human dignity and social justice to the world.”
Surely “human dignity” and “social justice” would first need to be
established within before serving as some sort of shining beacon to the
world, but Da’Na overlooks this minor matter.
So too do conference organizers, who, as part of pushing their
“narrative,” bemoan the 60th anniversary of “al Nakba,” the Arabic word
for “catastrophe” used to describe the creation of the modern state of
Israel in 1948. But the “60 Years of Catastrophe” trumpeted at the
conference website would more appropriately be placed upon the heads of
Palestinian and regional Arab leadership. They have perpetuated a
constant state of victimhood and refugee status while fomenting chaos
and violence. Palestinians are the second largest per capita recipients
of foreign aid in the world, yet precious few resources have been
dedicated to the building of a functioning civil society. In fact,
rising levels of violence can be directly correlated to rising levels
of aid. The current civil war between Fatah and Hamas and the resultant
human rights abuses are just the latest examples.
If the Palestinians in the U.S. that conference organizers profess to
represent, and Middle East studies academics sympathetic to their
cause, truly wanted to effect a just resolution to the Arab-Israeli
conflict, they would start looking within for answers. Instead, such
conferences simply peddle propaganda intended to demonize Israel. Those
seeking the truth would do well to steer clear.
See photos of the newest ISM recruits:
U.S. Neutrality Act Violated by Gaza Boat Organizers Shurat HaDin Warns
California AG
Nitsana Darshan-Leitner 917.519.9340
Sacramento: In an urgent letter dispatched to The Hon. Edmond G. Brown,
Attorney General of the State of California, Shurat HaDin director
Nitsana Darshan-Leitner warns the AG that the International Solidarity
Movement (ISM), and others, have conspired to violate the U.S.
Neutrality Act, 18 U.S.C. § 960, within the boundaries of his
Attorney Darshan-Leitner writes in her letter that the organizers of
the "Gaza Boat" program have violated the Neutrality Act by illegally
raising money in California to bankroll two boats which they plan to
sail into Gaza on August 5. The boats are reportedly leaving Piraeus,
Greece with ISM members on board on August 1. Based on prior
experience, serious concerns
that the boats will be carrying weapons, explosives and contraband have
been raised by security experts.
The U.S. Neutrality Act that is codified in section 960 of title 18 of
the U.S. Code, stating:
"Whoever, within the United States, knowingly begins or sets on foot or
provides or prepares a means for or furnishes the money for, or takes
part in, any military or naval expedition or enterprise to be carried
on from thence against the territory or dominion of any foreign prince
or state, or of any colony, district, or people with whom the United
States is at peace, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not
more than three years, or both."
According to the project website as archived by Google on July 24, 2008
- The Carter Center of former US President Jimmy Carter and the
Archbishop Desmond Tutu have both endorsed the project (
www.imra.org.il/story.php3?id=40027 ). According to news reports, the
Carter Center was also involved in the funding of the project.
Shurat HaDin's letter charges that the organizers have openly solicited
support for the hostile expedition against a friendly nation in
violation of the U.S. Neutrality Act and urges the attorney general of
California and the Federal Bureau of Investigations to launch a full
inquiry into the funding of the flotilla and to prosecute all those
involved to the full extent of the law should the allegation prove true.
The folllowing is the text of Shurat HaDin's Letter to Attorney
General Brown:
Attorney General Edmund G. Brown
Office of Attorney General
California Department of Justice
P.O. Box 944255 Sacramento, CA 94244-2550
Via Fax:
Dear Attorney General Brown,
Re: Conspiracy to Violate the
U.S. Neutrality Act, 18 U.S.C. § 960
Dear Attorney General
I am writing to bring to your attention to a serious matter
regarding what might be an ongoing conspiracy to
violate the U.S. Neutrality Act, 18 U.S.C. § 960, and an attempt
to aid & abet the Palestinian terrorist organization
Hamas which is occurring within your jurisdiction with the support and
under the direction of an organization known as "The Free Gaza
Movement," located at 405 Vista Heights Road, El Cerrito, California
The Palestinian terrorist organization Hamas is currently designated as
a Foreign Terrorist Organization by the U.
S. government. In June 2007, Hamas ousted Palestinian President
Mahmoud Abbas's Fatah party from the Gaza Strip and subsequently took
power where it has engaged in a relentless campaign to obtain weapons
and explosives and to terrorize both Israelis and moderate
Palestinians. As a result of constant rocket attacks from Gaza on
Israel's coastal cities, on September 19, 2007 the Israeli government
declared that "Hamas is a terrorist organization that has taken control
of the Gaza Strip and turned it into hostile territory."
Similarly, Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice affirmed "Hamas is
indeed a hostile entity. It's a hostile entity to the United States as
In an effort to prevent Hamas from obtaining any additional military
equipment and to impose economic pressure
on the Hamas leadership in Gaza, the Israeli Security Cabinet imposed a
series of sanctions on the Gaza Strip
including a coastal blockade that is being implemented by the Israeli
navy. The naval blockade is particularly
important in light of previous attempts by the Iranian government to
transfer weapons to Palestinian militants at
sea such as occurred in January 2002 when the Israeli navy seized the
"Karine A" ship that was loaded with 50
tons of Iranian supplied weaponry.
There are several provisions within the agreements signed by Israel and
the Palestinian Authority that grant Israel the right to implement a
naval blockade on the Gaza Strip. Specifically, the September 28, 1995
Israeli-Palestinian Interim Agreement on the West Bank and the Gaza
Strip that was signed in Washington D.C. states in Article XIV that
Israel has "the responsibility for defense against external threats,
including . for defense against external threats from the sea and from
the air." Moreover, in Article XIV of the Interim Agreement
titled "Security along the Coastline to the Sea of Gaza" Israel and the
Palestinian Authority agreed that foreign vessels would" not approach
closer than 12 nautical miles from the coast" unless specifically
authorized pursuant to jointly agreed regulations and that in the
absence of such conditions all foreign vessels would be required to
dock at Israeli approved ports. (Because there are no
international ports open to foreign vessels in Gaza at this time, it is
currently illegal for foreign vessels to attempt to dock in Gaza
without explicit Israeli authorization.) Finally, in a letter to
Prime Minister Sharon on April 14, 2004 shortly before Israel's
withdrawal from the Gaza Strip President
Bush confirmed " [t]he United States understands that after Israel
withdraws from Gaza and/or parts of the West
Bank, and pending agreements on other arrangements, existing
arrangements regarding control of airspace,
territorial waters, and land passages of the West Bank and Gaza will
Nevertheless, despite the clear
unequivocal policy of the United States to support Israel's right to
control the
security of the territorial waters around Gaza and to isolate Hamas
from external support, the extremist Free
Gaza Movement is attempting to undermine the foreign policy of both the
United States and Israel by raising
money to violate the Interim Agreement regarding foreign vessels and to
undermine Israel's sovereign authority.
On The Free Gaza Movement website located at www.freegaza.org requests
are being made to finance a "Break
the Siege ship" that is tentatively set to sail in August 2008
(See also http://freegaza.org/pages/joinIn.
html#aboard). According to information on its website the ship
"will sail directly to Gaza without going through
Israeli territory and without seeking permission from Israeli
authorities." However, because Israel has exclusive
security authority over foreign vessels that are attempting to dock in
Gaza, The Free Gaza Movement is openly soliciting support in this
country for a hostile expedition against a friendly nation in violation
of the U.S. NeutralityAct that is codified in section 960 of title 18
of the U.S. Code. This law states:
Whoever, within the United States, knowingly begins or sets on foot or
provides or prepares a means for or
furnishes the money for, or takes part in, any military or naval
expedition or enterprise to be carried on from
thence against the territory or dominion of any foreign prince or
state, or of any colony, district, or people with
whom the United States is at peace, shall be fined under this title or
imprisoned not more than three years, or both.
As such, the actions of The Free
Gaza Movement are nothing short of an attempt to violate the laws of
of Israel and to engage in conduct that has the effect of undermining
the national security of a U.S. ally.
Consequently, I respectfully request that your office take all
necessary and appropriate actions to uphold the
laws of the United States, to investigate those that are organizing and
funding this illegal effort and to enjoin any
unlawful activity on the part of The Free Gaza Movement.
Thank you,
Nitsana Darshan-Leitner, Esq.
Do your part to put Paul LaRudee in jail for assisting terrorists! Stop
the ISM! If you want peace in the Middle East, that will help do it.
Stop Hamas!
Paul LaRudee of Norcal ISM, deported from Israel due to our efforts in
2006 is now trying to get a flotilla together of as many ISM creeps as
possible in order to enter Gaza by sea against the Israeli Navy in
order to open up the shipping lanes for the importation of more weapons
to kill Israelis by Hamas. The scheduled date for setting sail is
August 5th from Cyprus.
Riad Hamad, in the story below, the head of Palestine Childrens Welfare
Fund was found murdered in Texas on July 14th. Hamad, who appointed
LaRudee his fundraising chairman for this flotilla as probably killed
by Hamas for attracting to much attention for the FBI over money
laundering for Hamas. LaRudee, whose pathology against Israel is a
complete mental illness, has been running around like a brass monkey
promoting this flotilla. It is up to all Americans, Israelis and people
for democratic free societies worldwide to stop LaRudee and his
terrorist support gang that is really run by the Palestinian Arabs.
These are some of the ISM creeps who plan to be on this journey:
Huwaida Arraf, Patrick Connors, Greta Berlin, Adam Shapiro, Dorothy
Naor, Brian Malovany, Lisa Nessan, Hedy Epstein, among other
professional ISM activists. Many of these have been deported already
from Israel.
Of course, the simplest and best solution would be for one missile to
sink this ship and get rid of the ISM all together, but we realize
thats not going to happen. So we are asking all of those concerned to
contact the Embassy of Cypress in Washington, D.C. and New York City
and demand that this ship not be allowed to use Cypriot ports to make
this jounrney to aid Hamas. At the same time, call the Diplomatic
Security Service division of the US State Department and tell them
about this and demand the US passports of participants also be held
back from travel to Cyprus or Egypt because this group aims to aid
Hamas. Likewise, contact your congresspeople and demand that they do
something to prevent this "voyage" from occuring.
The question also arises where the money came from for this event. Paul
LaRudee has claimed he needed $300,000 to charter a boat. Last time he
spoke about it he claimed to raise only $50,000. Where is the extra
$250,000 coming from? Money was first to be sent to Riad Hamad's
Palestine Children's Welfare Fund then later everything was sent to
Paul LaRudee's home address in El Cerrito, California. The IRS in all
its wisdom gave non-profit status to NorCal ISM last December without
realizing the money was going for such a support- for -Hamas event. IN
turn, readers here are urged to write the IRS criminal investigations
unit and file a complaint for charities fraud, as well as the
California Attorney Generals Office as well for the same purpose.
RIAD HAMAD, the head of ISM NGO front Palestine Children's Welfare Fund
was found murdered today, July 17th, 2008 in Texas. Hamad had tried
suing various news agencies that identified the support of his
organization for terrorism and suicide bombings but ended up paying
over $50,000 in sanctions for his frivolous lawsuit.
More details below:
AUSTIN, Texas -- Police on Thursday identified a man who was found
bound with duct tape in Lady Bird Lake in East Austin.
Parkgoers discovered the body of Riad Hamad, 55, Wednesday afternoon
just east of the Interstate 35 bridge near Festival Beach.
Hamad was a computer teacher at Small Middle School and had been
planning a trip to Palestine to teach children there.
Witnesses who found Hamad said the man had duct tape on his face, and
his hands were tied.
Police have called the death suspicious. Investigators on Thursday said
family and other sources have told them that Hamad was suicidal...
Hamad ran the Palestine Children's Welfare Fund (PCWF), a radical
Gaza-based "charity" that helped children by teaching them to hate
Jews. He sued a number of people and entities like David Horowitz, NGO
Monitor and others, lost big and had to pay court costs.
On January 17, 2007, a Texas Federal Court judge dismissed as "wholly
frivolous" and "baseless" Palestine Children's Welfare Fund (PCWF) Riad
ElSolh Hamad's defamation suit against NGO Monitor, Frontpage
Jerusalem, the Center for Study of Popular Culture and others. Hamad
charged the organizations had defamed him and violated his
constitutional and civil rights linking him and his charity in
newspaper and Internet articles to Islamic fundamentalist terror.
In addition to dismissing Hamad's claims as "groundless", United States
District Court Judge, Sam Sparks, leveled Rule 11 sanctions against
Hamad and ordered him to pay defendants' attorney's fees and costs
totaling almost $60,000 as well as a $1000 fine to each defendant for
Hamad's repeated violation of court orders...
NGO Monitor's report on the PCWF:
...these worthy goals are being undermined by the promotion of an
atmosphere of hatred and violence. There is no humanitarian
justification for publishing drawings by small children depicting the
burning maps of the State of Israel. The T-shirt on sale with the poem
alluding to martyrdom only helps to push Palestinian children deeper
into more misery. The message board includes outrageous claims that
reflect the propaganda of those wishing to pursue the conflict without
end. On the basis of this evidence, one can conclude that this NGO
raises its funds on false premises, and that its activities are a far
cry from the purely humanitarian mission claimed in its mission
According to Discover the Networks:
...Hamad has said, "Britain allowed several hundreds of thousands of
illegal immigrants to land in Palestine, despite the opposition of the
original inhabitants. In our opinion, [the Jews] arrived illegally and
will be deported to their nation of origin...sooner or later." He has
also suggested that it is a misconception to assume "that most of us
Arabs recognize the right of Israel to exist."
The FBI has investigated Hamad on a number of occasions. His resume
includes being fired from Austin Community College for allegedly
"making racist slurs and sexist jokes in the classroom." In Hamad's
version of the event, however, he explains that he was in fact fired
for "making statements against the U.S. government." Hamad is currently
an instructor at a different school, in his words, "till I get fired
Or he's murdered, apparently [Update: See below]. More about PCWF in
this piece at FrontPage by Joe Kaufman.
Update: The Texas Scribbler links to the police press release [PDF]
noting that:
...tape was found around the eyes, and the hands and legs were loosely
bound. The bindings of his hands and legs and placement of the tape
were consistent with Hamad having done this to himself. Detectives know
that Hamad walked from his vehicle to the water on his own based on
evidence retrieved from the scene.
Perhaps he was on the target list for Hamas due to his failure and
exposure? It should be noted that Hamad also was organizing the
upcoming Gaza Flotilla by the ISM and was accepting donations for this.
Man Gets Jail for Funding Hamas -- ISM Freaking, May be Placed on
Terror Sponsor List
Our story begins with one, Richard David Hupper, who was already
serving time for passport fraud -- looks like he tried to get a new
passport under a false name ( standard ISM tactic) in order to get back
into Israel after he was banned for his activities with the
International Solidarity Movement -- then they dragged him out of his
cell and charged him with "giving about $20,000 to a group he knew
supported Hamas.": Local man aided Hamas
A York County native who traveled to the war-torn Middle East to work
with Palestinians will be sentenced in federal court this month for
aiding a terrorist organization.
Richard David Hupper, 32, was charged with giving about $20,000 to a
group he knew supported Hamas, the Palestinian military and political
organization, according to court documents and his defense lawyer.
It is a crime to give money to Hamas, or to groups that support it,
because it is considered a terrorist organization by the U.S.
government. Hupper pleaded guilty in May.
The Leader Heights, York Township, native likely will be sentenced to
about five years, his lawyer said.
Hupper's defense attorney, Neal R. Lewis, a Reading native who works in
Florida, said the charges stem from Hupper's donations to a nonprofit
agency that, in turn, supports Hamas.
He saw his mission as a humanitarian cause and wanted his donations to
support the families of Palestinians who had been detained or killed,
Lewis said...
...The charges against Hupper came more than a year after he pleaded
guilty to attempting to obtain a passport using false information, a
case that is related to his work with the Palestinians, Lewis said.
Hupper had been in Israel working with Palestinians, but the Israeli
government kicked him out.
He wanted to go back, so he tried to get a passport using someone
else's name, Social Security number and a forged birth certificate, and
he was arrested, according to court documents...
...Hupper, who last lived in York County about six years ago, decided
to involve himself in the conflict between Palestinians and Israelis
while he was in Alabama working as a machinist, Lewis said.
While in Alabama, Hupper was injured at work, and he spent much of his
time off watching TV, including international news, Lewis said. Hupper
decided he wanted to travel to the Gaza Strip with the goal to help the
Palestinian people...
...Hupper traveled to Israel, where he actively worked with a
non-governmental agency to aid Palestinians impacted by the Middle East
conflict, Lewis said. He was eventually ordered to leave Israel and
returned to Florida after a stop in Jordan.
After spending some time in Florida, he decided he wanted to return to
his work with Palestinians, and that's when he applied for the passport
with false information.
Prosecutors agreed to recommend a light sentence on the passport
charges, according to court documents. Hupper, who is in a Miami
federal prison, was sentenced to serve a total of 24 months for those
charges. His release date is set for November.
With the latest charges, Hupper faces more time in prison -- a maximum
of 15 years -- and $250,000 in fines. But because he has admitted to
his crime and pleaded guilty, it's likely he will be sentenced to about
five years, Lewis said.
Unemployed machinist donates $20k to group working with Hamas...OK...
But who are the non-profit and the NGO mentioned in the article? Who
was he working with? Well that's where the International Solidarity
Movement comes in.
You remember Paul Larudee, the "piano tuner"...oh, and also big-wig
with the ISM? (He was also, BTW, one of the last people to speak [see
Larudee comment] to Riad Hamad before his suicide.) Well he provides
more information, courtesy of an exchange over an ISM email list. Looks
like the ISM itself plays in here, and may be either an unindicted
co-conspirator in the case, or -- dare we hope -- perhaps something
Photo of LaRudee available in our Rogues Gallery
Attached is a proposed letter to send to mailing lists, which can also
be adapted for email lists. It refers to information coming out of a
case reported in the Leader Heights Daily Record, shown at the end of
this message. Tom Nelson, the lawyer for ISM-Northern California and
the Free Gaza Movement, has managed to get some additional info,
including the fact that ISM is the "nonprofit agency" referenced in the
article, and that at least one individual in ISM-Palestine has been
ISM-Palestine is doing its own research on this, and it is best if we
do not ask them to report back to us until they are ready. It seems
that the convicted individual, Richard David Hupper, may have joined
ISM as a volunteer and been later asked to leave because his actions
were inconsistent with ISM principles, but even that is uncertain.
Nevertheless, it seems likely that the U.S. is considering action
against ISM, probably with Israeli prodding.
The Free Gaza Movement suspects that this is the latest in a series of
attempts (the fifth, to be precise) to thwart and discredit its project
to send boats to Gaza. The objective would be to time the placement of
ISM on the terrorism sponsor list at the time the boats sail, in order
to discredit the effort. [As if the US government would take such a
step just to stop their idiotic boats. -S]
Tom suggests that a good way for us to deal with this in the U.S. is to
mobilize public pressure on Congress. Hence the attached letter, which
has been drafted by him, Greta Berlin and myself. ISM-Northern
California is having a Newsletter mailing session Wednesday evening, so
I suggest we try to complete discussion of this in time to be able to
send out the letters at that session.
List member Patrick Connors didn't think it was a good idea to talk
about this:
...I really strongly request that none of this information not be
shared any further at this point - the article, this draft letter, etc.
- on listservs or with anyone else. And I think it was not a good idea
for Paul to have sent this email. Sharing this information on lists
about this sensitive information contradicts previous email discussions
about holding off until we have more info, and I am troubled to see
that people have taken unilateral actions on this nonetheless.
Again, people are gathering information on this at this point, and I
request that everyone hold off on any actions or even on emailing on
this sensitive topic, especially to email lists, until more information
is collected...
Oops. Larudee disagrees:
This is not a unilateral action and in fact it's not an action at all.
It's a proposal for action, which is being presented for consensus.
Except for two items of information, it is all in the public domain,
i.e. published in a newspaper. The remaining two items are that ISM was
named, which is essential information that is likely to soon be public
anyway, because it was given to me by a reporter, and that a person was
named, which is about as vague as it is possible to get...
He clearly thinks ISM is at risk of being put on the terror sponsor
...we do not have the kind of information needed to refute allegations,
so we shouldn't try to. However, we definitely want to have the
opportunity to refute allegations before ISM is designated a terrorism
sponsor, not after, and that is what the proposed letter and the
campaign is intended to accomplish. All it asks is for ISM to be
permitted to remain off the list until an investigation includes ISM
testimony, which would include the kind of information that Pat wants
to have. There's nothing controversial about this request, and our
experience with members of Congress in the Bay Area is that they will
not have a problem asking for this...
I frankly think it's a bit much to hope for, but you never know. Here
is a PDF copy of the letter they circulated, note that the file name is
theirs: ISM in grave danger.pdf
We at Stop the ISM await further developments. We have always felt that
a case could be made for naming ISM as a terror sponsoring group, or
whatever the legal term of art is, but questioned whether anyone in
government felt it was worth bothering with. Hopefully, if it happens,
they'll have all of their evidentiary ducks well in a row. Stay tuned.
By the way, Paul LaRudee admitted to engaging in passport fraud in the
summer of 2006. Call your local offices of the Diplomatic Security
Service and the FBI and demand he be arrested for the same crimes as
committed by Hupper.
Posted by Solomonia at 7:38 PM |
Read about The US Campaign to End the Israeli Occupation (the new name
for ISM-USA with same leadership) and thier cease and desist letter to
Lee Kaplan of Stop the ISM:
Anatomy of a massacre
Government and police spokesmen would have us believe that the carnage
Jerusalem on Wednesday was unavoidable. Husam Taysir Dwayat, the
rapist, burglar and drug dealer turned jihadist who mowed down innocent
people with his bulldozer on Jaffa Road was not suspected of links to
terrorist organizations. The sociopathic, violent criminal who had
"returned" to Islam over the past month raised no red flags. There was
nothing to be done. No one is to blame.
If the protestations of the government and the police that nothing
could have prevented Dwayat from using his bulldozer to murder three
people sound familiar, it is because they are. Immediately after Ala
Abu Dhaim entered into Mercaz Harav yeshiva on March 6 and massacred
eight students, government and police spokesmen said the same thing.
There was no way to prevent the attack. No one is to blame.
These statements are no more than easy excuses for incompetence. While
may be true that neither Dwayat nor Dhaim were members of a terror
group, it
is certainly true that both of these Jerusalemite terrorists operated
in an
atmosphere that engenders both radicalism and lawlessness. Their
to murder innocent people were products not only of their own evil
but of an atmosphere of permissiveness that naturally intensifies any
desire to cause death and mayhem. If they had been operating in a
environment, it is possible they would have behaved differently.
Four months ago, Dhaim was able to enter Mercaz Harav by dint of his
job as
a driver for the Jerusalem Arab-owned transport company HaPnina.
HaPnina had a city contract to transport school children. Dhaim, who
at the yeshiva in a company van, aroused no suspicion when he entered
the yeshiva with a large box where he hid his rifle.
After Dhaim committed his massacre, the municipality immediately tried
to abrogate its contract with HaPnina. HaPnina sued and the Jerusalem
Magistrate's Court issued a temporary injunction requiring the city to
continue using HaPnina until the judge ruled on the case. When Judge
Hagit Mack-Kalmanovich finally decided in the municipality's favor on
June 13, she
noted that that the company had ignored a court order to provide
documentation showing that its drivers had no criminal records and were
qualified to transport children.
If the municipality were more vigilant in overseeing its contractors,
it could have discovered that HaPnina was employing criminals well
before the massacre. Perhaps then Dhaim wouldn't have been able to
enter the yeshiva.
It is a criminal offense to praise acts of murder. When hundreds came
to pay
their respects for Dhaim and proclaim him a hero, the police could have
arrested and interrogated all of them. Among those who arrived at the
Dhaim's mourning tent was Wednesday's terrorist, Dwayat. If he had been
arrested then, it is possible that police would have discovered that
convicted rapist had recently become a jihadist. It is also possible
Dwayat himself would have been intimidated.
But rather than enforce the law, the police did nothing. Rather than
the hundreds who came to praise Dhaim, the police excused their
inaction by
bemoaning the fact that the due process rights of Jerusalem Arabs made
impossible to destroy the homes of Arab terrorists in the capital
proper legal authorization. That is, they justified their decision to
nothing by complaining that they can't do everything.
The police's permissive behavior is nothing new. In Dhaim's and
Arab neighborhoods in Jerusalem, as in the Beduin settlements in the
and the Arab cities and villages in the Galilee, the police simply
refuse to
enforce the law. They do not patrol the streets. They do not arrest
religious, educational and political leaders who solicit terrorism or
incite hatred. They do not enforce building laws. They do not protect
state and privately owned land from squatters. Today some 90 percent of
Arab construction in Israel is carried out without permits. Whole towns
in the Negev have been built on stolen state land. And the police do
As a consequence of police inaction, thieves, smugglers, terror
solicitors and other dangerous criminals are allowed to operate in the
open. Fearing the wrath of human rights groups on the one hand and Arab
rioters on the other, the police simply do not enforce Israeli law in
the Arab sector.
This police passivity manifests itself not only in times of relative
calm but also in emergency situations. For instance, at both Mercaz
Harav and on Jaffa Road, the police were inexcusably passive. In both
attacks the
terrorists were only stopped by citizens who took the initiative when
the police failed to act.
On Wednesday Dwayat killed two motorists and overturned a truck before
a policeman and a security guard climbed into the cab of his bulldozer.
And then, instead of shooting him, the policeman simply tried to
restrain him. Due to the police's refusal to shoot, Dwayat killed
33-year-old Batsheva
Unterman while the policeman was standing next to him in the
bulldozer's cab. It was only the intervention of "M.," an unarmed IDF
commando soldier on furlough, that ended the carnage.
M. climbed onto the bulldozer, took the security guard's gun and shot
in the head three times. Another policeman only shot Dwayat after M.
had already killed him.
At Mercaz Harav, it took the police some 20 minutes to show up in
force. Until then, only one police officer was at the scene. And as he
heard the anguished cries of teenagers being murdered, he opted not to
go in and
protect them. He stood outside and did nothing. Dhaim was only stopped
yeshiva student Moshe Dadon and furloughed paratrooper Capt. David
Shapira killed him. As luck or providence would have it, Shapira is
M.'s brother-in-law.
In failing to act against Arab Israeli lawlessness and the terror it
engenders, the police are little different from the government. Like
the police, the government turns a blind eye to the radicalization and
lawlessness of Arab Israeli society. And when the unchallenged lawless
jihadist atmosphere leads inevitably to massacre, the government talks
how its hands are tied and makes angry, tough declarations not backed
policy. Then it quickly moves to change the subject.
The government's refusal to form a coherent policy regarding the
deteriorating situation in Israeli-Arab society was exposed at the
Knesset on Wednesday. There, just as Dwayat was on his killing spree,
the Knesset
was scheduled to vote on two bills written by opposition lawmakers
after the
Mercaz Harav massacre. If passed, the bills will allow the government
to revoke the citizenship of terrorists and their family members and
prohibit the families of dead terrorists from publicly celebrating
their actions.
The government's Ministerial Committee on Legislation voted to oppose
the bills some weeks ago. It only changed its mind in light of the
massacre on Jaffa Road. As opposition leader and Likud Chairman
Binyamin Netanyahu noted on Thursday morning in an interview with
Israel Radio, the government's support of the bills was pure political
opportunism. The sudden change in
its position made clear that the government has no policies, only
Prime Minister Ehud Olmert and Defense Minister Ehud Barak reacted to
Wednesday's attack by loudly proclaiming their support for destroying
Dwayat's home. But as Netanyahu noted, they are policy-makers, not
spokesmen. Their job is to act, not to declaim about their preferences.
And yet, making loud, crowd pleasing declarations is the only policy
government has for dealing with anything. Both Barak and Olmert know
that in
sovereign Israel it is legally impossible to simply destroy a house
due process. Attorney-General Menahem Mazuz is still trying to work out
to legally destroy Dhaim's home four months after he attacked. If Barak
Olmert really were interested in destroying terrorists' homes, they
pass a law explicitly empowering the government to do so.
While the police could end the atmosphere of lawlessness by enforcing
the laws already on the books, the government can take positive steps
to reverse the trends toward radicalization in Israeli Arab society. It
can pass regulations barring anti-Zionist propaganda in public school
curricula and
sanctioning the immediate firing of public school teachers who teach
students to hate Israel. It can suspend government funding of
municipalities and local councils that do not enforce building codes.
It can set up
well-paid community police comprised of loyal citizens. The government
prosecute Arab politicians and leaders who treat with the enemy for
But not only is the government doing none of these things, it is taking
active steps to legitimize Israeli-Arab rejection of the State of
Israel. So it is that far from barring the study of the myth of the
so-called Nakba, or
catastrophe of Israel's birth, in Arab schools, Education Minister Yuli
Tamir is encouraging Israeli Jewish schools to teach the lie to their
Jewish students. Rather than take action against Arab leaders who
actively work to radicalize Israeli-Arab society and solicit terrorism,
the government bends
over backwards to appease these leaders in the name of multicultural
The government has not sufficed with seeking to appease Arab radicals
by embracing their anti-Israeli propaganda as legitimate. It is also
actively working to marginalize the sectors of Israeli society that
support policies
aimed at reversing the trend of Arab radicalization.
M., the hero of Wednesday's attack, is case in point. M., a clearly
motivated, resourceful and brave soldier, is 20 years old. At his age,
he should have already been in the army for nearly two years. But he
was only drafted four months ago. It turns out that the IDF didn't want
him. Even as IDF commanders bemoan the dwindling draft rolls as more
and more young men and women evade military service, the IDF fought for
two years to keep M. out of its ranks.
The IDF opposed M.'s service because in 2005 he was arrested for
against the withdrawal from Gaza. Charges were never filed against him.
the mere fact that he was arrested for opposing one of the stupidest
most disastrous government policies the IDF has ever implemented was
sufficient to make him politically suspect.
Then, too, by Thursday morning, unnamed government sources were warning
"right-wing extremists" were planning to start attacking Jerusalem Arab
It is far easier to attack imaginary enemies than to face real ones.
It is possible that both Dhaim and Dwayat couldn't have been stopped.
But it
is certainly true that given the environment of lawlessness and
flaccidity in which they operated, there were no countervailing forces
their lives that might have led these evil men to have second thoughts
murdering innocent Israelis in the name of Allah.
Political bluster will not prevent the next attack. There are policies
that Israel can enact today that will make the option of mass murder
less attractive to its Arab citizenry. But as Barak, Olmert and their
have made clear, nothing will happen under the current government.
For those of you who care about stopping the Arab fascist attempt to
destroy democratic Israel by subterfuge, please write the IRS Criminal
Investigations Unit at the address below and demand they investigate
why Paul LaRudee and his ISM Support Group in Northern California were
given non-profit tax exemption to raise money that is going to finance
a flotilla to help the Hamas by trying to run the IDF Navy blockade of
Gaza to help smuggle weapons in for Hamas. LaRudee was deported from
Israel for Hamas connections and has openly worked to aid Hizballah,
all known Foreign Terrorist Organizations. No doubt he lied on his
application and he is also violating anti-terror laws in the US by
training individuals to go abroad and aid terrorist groups.
Write to:
IRS- EO Classification
4910 DAL
1100 Commerce Street
Dallas TX 75242-1198
Attn: Criminal investigations
Note our new email address: info@StoptheISM.com . Read breaking
news to the left side of this screen, in our Information section
also, as well as below. Check out ISM Watch for photos of ISM
individuals we have info on
We set up this website specifically to combat the International
Solidarity Movement on American college campuses, in our trade unions
and churches. The ISM is not one single entity, but an umbrella
organization of communists, anarchists and social misfits working in
conjunction with the PLO and Islamic fascist countries such as Saudi
Arabia and the UAE.
We are still working on some bugs to this website, so please bear with
us. However, if you click on the tabs above you can learn about the ISM
and why we are working to have it shut down in the USA for
violating the Patriot Act and other anti-terrorism laws. To date, Stop
the ISM has managed to get over two hundred ISM activists deported from
Israel and even gotten the Israeli government to declare the ISM a
terrorist supporting group. New articles can be found on the left
margin of this page, or in the "Information" section you can click on
Please peruse this site. You can just scroll down at left and read our
newest exposes on ISM members. If you'd like to contact us with
information: info@StoptheISM.com .