  SU LA TESTA l'altra Lombardia 
associazione politico - culturale progressista
democratica antifascista d'ispirazione marxista
I capitalisti vogliono abbrutire la vita, rendendola
sempre più precaria e asservita ai loro tempi... 
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SU LA TESTA l'altra Lombardia is a political-cultural progressive, democratic and anti-fascist, Marxist-inspired association founded in January 2000 in Milan, to help to counter the political, cultural and moral decline of majority of the Left.
We want to contribute, with our daily commitment, to keep alive a glimmer of hope in the struggle to build a different world, freed from the slavery of paid job and the violence of capitalist production relations.

We work  with method both practically and theoretically, both at international and local level, while maintaining our strict political, cultural and organizational independence from other organizations, or other parties, without further excluding the possibility of working with others to organize conferences, seminars or meetings and political initiatives of various kinds.

SU LA TESTA l'altra Lombardia has promoted, along with other associations and political parties, conferences and seminars on historical and political topics and on the processes stemming from globalization, as well as initiatives for peace in the world (Bologna 2000, Rome and Florence 2001, Rome 2002 and 2003, Cremona 2005 and 2007, Milan 2006, Crema 2005 and 2006, Sesto San Giovanni (MI) 2008).

SU LA TESTA l'altra Lombardia has self produced some movies based on the trips of a delegation of its to Syria, Occupied Territories and Lebanon. The first documentary film is titled 'Palestine issue. From Palestinian refugee camps in Syria to the Apartheid Wall' , the second one  is 'Lebanon and Palestine: two peoples fighting imperialism' showed in Cagliari (Italy) at the 6th Palestinian International Film Festival organized by the Sardegna Palestina Association, in  Cairo (Egypt) at the 6th Cairo Conference – Cairo Forum for Liberation against  U.S. and Zionist Occupation, and in Sitges (Spain) at Medimed ’08. It is available in English and French version.
Our latest production is a filmed interview with the comrade leader Abu Ahmad Fouad, member of the political bureau of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine, made on the sidelines of the 6th Cairo Conference – Cairo Forum for Liberation against  U.S. and Zionist Occupation, which was held in Cairo (Egypt) from 27 to 30 March 2008.

SU LA TESTA l'altra Lombardia has a website of information and counter-information, www.laltralombardia.it, which wants to be an instrument of knowledge and encouragement to investigate all matters not addressed or censored in the field of practical politics, labour, state repression, antifascism, education, environment and culture.

It is a site designed, developed and produced by political militants who intend to use the information as a weapon of change, transformation and growth of political consciousness, at a time when manipulation, superficiality and lack of content  are ruling at right to left. There are reports from all places of the world undergoing a revolutionary process of radical change or armed resistance against imperialism.